Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Six Degrees for Seven Good Deeds

The Experiment-The Challenge

Changing the POO Storm

Everyone knows the Kevin Bacon Six Degrees of Separation and how it works.   Whether in your personal or professional life it seems to work and the more you meet people the more often you find out that you know someone in common.  


I am no historian but I am wondering that if we looked at many of the great civilizations before ours and why they failed if we would not see a lot of same problems that face our world today.    It was George Santayana that said, “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”     Does it not seem like everywhere you turn there is yet another “unhappy, negative, sky-is-falling” story to keep us down?

  Oprah called it “random acts of kindness” and Hollywood made a very famous movie that again called it “Paying it forward.”    Actually it does not matter what you call it but rather that you do it. 


  Here is the idea; everyone knows the Six Degrees of Separation and how it works so let’s take it one step further and add “for seven good deeds.”    If we all set a goal to do one, simple, good deed a day for a stranger that in time you will find that a stranger will end up doing a good deed for you.  Hence the Six Degrees of Separation for Seven Good Deeds or better the bigger our world gets the smaller it will become.    This will work for both your professional and personal life.   We will improve our world, our economy, our neighborhoods, ourselves.  


Even if you don’t ever have a stranger show up to do you that good deed it will still have such positive effect that what do you have to lose.   Try it in your professional and personal life both!    Now be creative, the deeds do not have to cost a lot of money or be time consuming they might be as simple as carrying someone’s groceries, give a strong referral, or opening a door.  


This BLOG has been created not for us to express our political agenda’s or religious views.    However, please share your good deed that you have done in hopes that it will inspire others.   If you had a good deed done for you…share that.   Let’s not just sit and wait for our leaders to “bail” us out.  We can take the “Poo Storm” of negativity that we continually hear daily and turn it around one good deed at a time into something better.








1 comment:

Iggy Pintado said...

Hi John

What a fantastic idea. I thought I'd share that there are people doing 'world-changing' research using the six degrees concept already. Some of them are included in this documentary that might be of interest:

Cheers, Iggy